Saturday, March 27, 2010


Resolutions are made to break. This fact is known to every creature, belongs to Homo Sapiens species. Still people like to make resolutions at high rate and keep breaking at even higher rate.

Phenomena of making new resolutions is catalyzed by another person's resolution. My roommate Sharaf made few resolutions in last few months and completed successfully(as he told me).

Personally I don't like to make resolutions since I can not keep them for long. If I make one, I deliberately make it close-ended. Like I will not eat chicken in next 48 hours.

I am making little serious and sincere resolution this time, I will post blog at least once in a week. When a celebrity like Amitabh Bachchan can write one blog per day with sheer consistency, Why can't I. So, its decided, Irrespective of whether I have some topic or not, I will write something. Hopefully I will continue......

1 comment:

ShivanandanGupta said...

Its time to write a new one.. so write it soon and share it :)