Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Karachi se log....

Someone forwarded this video to me. Have a look at it, its really hilarious. You will surely have a smile on your face after watching this video. One pakistani reporter is trying to cover news that people from Karachi are going to their native place to celebrate Eid. He struggles with one sentence numerous times and gradually gets frustrated with people disturbance and starts abusing them. Don't fail to catch the accent in which he says the last word. "Karachi".

Lets see how good are you with this sentence :)

कराची से लोग अपनों में ईद मनाने के लिए अन्दरुने मुल्क जा रहे हैं. कैमरा मैन कामिल हुजूम के साथ चाँदनवाब, इंडस न्यूज़, कराची!

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