Saturday, April 17, 2010

Discussion Day....

Discussion/Debate is a method of interactive argument. Some people love doing discussions. My colleague Soham is very good at that . I generally don't get agitated in discussions. Its one good quality in me.

Today was sort of discussion day for me.While breakfast I was involved in discussion over divorce rate in India. Someone said it is 50% in Indian metro cities. I could not comprehend that. TOI reports 40% divorce rate in Mumbai. Personally I don't have much confidence in TOI anyway.

Discussion continued in lunch even after that. Sometimes we can defend, but we don't want to do it since your manager is against you. That's exactly happened today.

Then, after dinner among roommates we started again. Beauty of discussion is topic changes even before you realizes. So we debated over god, religion, human, animal and divorce. We also discussed few topics which can not be mentioned here. It continued until 2:10 AM. Now I should go to bed. I have to get up for IPL match b/w mumbai and banglore.

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