Saturday, March 27, 2010


Resolutions are made to break. This fact is known to every creature, belongs to Homo Sapiens species. Still people like to make resolutions at high rate and keep breaking at even higher rate.

Phenomena of making new resolutions is catalyzed by another person's resolution. My roommate Sharaf made few resolutions in last few months and completed successfully(as he told me).

Personally I don't like to make resolutions since I can not keep them for long. If I make one, I deliberately make it close-ended. Like I will not eat chicken in next 48 hours.

I am making little serious and sincere resolution this time, I will post blog at least once in a week. When a celebrity like Amitabh Bachchan can write one blog per day with sheer consistency, Why can't I. So, its decided, Irrespective of whether I have some topic or not, I will write something. Hopefully I will continue......

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Karachi se log....

Someone forwarded this video to me. Have a look at it, its really hilarious. You will surely have a smile on your face after watching this video. One pakistani reporter is trying to cover news that people from Karachi are going to their native place to celebrate Eid. He struggles with one sentence numerous times and gradually gets frustrated with people disturbance and starts abusing them. Don't fail to catch the accent in which he says the last word. "Karachi".

Lets see how good are you with this sentence :)

कराची से लोग अपनों में ईद मनाने के लिए अन्दरुने मुल्क जा रहे हैं. कैमरा मैन कामिल हुजूम के साथ चाँदनवाब, इंडस न्यूज़, कराची!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Ping Pong

Few weeks back, A team outing was planned to play Ping Pong. By name it may sound like some childish game, but it is another name of Table Tennis in United States. Usually like any other sport, I was excited towards playing. But the reality was, last time when I had TT bat in my hand was around 8 years ago. This event gave me chance to reminisce about my past TT affair.

There was no infrastructure for TT(read any sport except cricket which we played after bunking classes) till 12th class. In first year of engineering college, when we were sealed in Tagore Hostel, we had nothing but two TT Tables in hostel common room. Looking at few guys' amazing TT skills, I was intrigued towards this game.

Getting chance to play, is almost negligible considering number of people vs two TT tables. Luckily My roommate was selected as Common Room in-charge. As a result, he had common room key in his possession. We determined 3:00 AM to 4:00 AM timing to play, when no one is around. Though officially common room closing time was 11 PM, We used to take keys from his drawer and enjoy few hours of TT undisturbed. My skill level in TT improved from novice to average. :)

Next year, common room was far from my room and we did not have keys, so slowly I lost interest in TT. Also I spent more time in playing cricket. Last time I played TT is sometime in second year 2001 or 2002.

Back to outing, 4 tables were reserved in New York Ping Pong Association. I played my first match with a guy named Bruce. He was good at spinning the ball. I was playing after 8 years so I was finding it difficult to control the ball. He was leading 15-9 or something, but I came back and won that game. After that I won 5 out of 5 games. Quality of opposition was not excellent but not too bad either. Mohammad was best player out there, but somehow I won 2 matches against him. Score line was 21-19 for both. Usually I play better in tight situations.

It was a nice outing. Thanks to Nadeem. It reminded me about my TT passion in my college first year. Someone else was selected winner. But that was ok, since winner had to bring munchkins for everyone.