Saturday, August 23, 2008

Blog on Blogs

Since past 3-4 months I was thinking a new topic to write a Blog, but I was not able to succeed in finding a appropriate, interesting topic to write a Blog. Finding a good topic to write Blog seems to be very difficult task for me. So ultimately I decided to write a blog on Blogs :).

Blog means a chronological log published on a web page. It is first recorded in 1999 and is contraction of "Web Log". Blog in already added in all dictionaries as a verb.A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs. It is similar to online diaries where people can write their views, observations, thoughts, feelings and many more ... It supposed to reflect the personality of the Blogger.

Blogger is the person who writes the Blog. Blogs are getting more popular day by day these days. As of 2007, there were total 112 million blogs are listed. There are many sites that hosts blogs. This is the list of Top 50 website which hosts Blogs. People uses blogs to share their thoughts, information, some very good links. I am personally getting very much help from blogs since I am getting live streaming links of the matches on Blogs.

Few terminology about the Blogs.
  • vlog (also called a video-blog) - a blog with video footage: this word's given rise to vlogger and vlogging.
  • blogroll - a part of a blog listing links to other blogs. Another word formed humorously from blog and roll (in the sense 'a list'), with the punning similarity to bogroll (toilet roll).
  • phlog (shortened from and also called a photoblog) - a blog which includes photos, often those taken by a mobile phone. Phlog is also used to describe a blog which can be updated via a mobile phone using SMS or MMS. This kind of phlog is also known as a moblog.
This blogs is not intended to provide you any information about blogs. Its just a try to break shackles of not writing blogs. Now i have decided to write blogs regularly. I hope I can continue it.